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Monday, November 22, 2010

Illustrator-week 2

This project was assigned simply to familiarize the students with some newer tools and windows in Adobe Illustrator. We are gradually learning more and more about Illustrator. I used THIS web site as a tutorial for these new tools.
Tools Used
  • Shape tool
  • Pathfinder window
  • Brush tool window          
Self Reflection 
This is the project that won me over. I definitely enjoy Adobe Illustrator now. At first it was difficult and frustrating but after using for the third time, I am beginning to like it.
  • I would give myself a 9/9
  • I was one of the first people to finish so I clearly participated well, and my final product ended up looking good as well.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This project was a type of practice sheet to familiarize us with the illustrator program. I used the pen tool, the pencil tool and the shape tool to complete this assignment. I also used vectordiary.com to help teach me how to use each of these tools.
Tools used
  • As I said I used the pen and pencil tool.
  • I also used the ellipse tool, the rectangle tool, the star tool, and the circle tool.

Self Reflection
Overall, this project was a struggle for me. I found it especially difficult to use the pen tool. However, I did find the shape tools very user friendly and fun to use. 
  • I would give myself a 9/8
  • I tried my best and worked diligently throughout but my end product did not turn out how I would have liked.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Rocket Ship for adobe illustrator

Here we have a simple looking rocket ship that I created using Adobe Illustrator. I used various new tools to help me complete the task and make this rocket ship look as good as it does. I used denisdesigns.com to help me figure everything out for this project.
New skills and processes
  • I used the gradient, pathfinder, and stroke tools for the first time while working on this project.
  • I also used an odd copy and paste strategy to make the project look nice and symmetrical. 
Self Reflection
I enjoyed this project. It was very fun to complete and was a great way to get me comfortable with illustrator. The only complaint I have was that the tutorial was very vague and I required alot of extra help when I used it. Other than that it was a very fun project!

  • I would give myself a 9/9
  • I worked hard and participated well and I am very happy with my end result.


Logo inspirations

David Airey sketches and designs

Graphics logos

More creative graphics logos

Creative process for graphic design

David Airey logo design process

          These sites are a blend of examples of well designed logos, as well as some insight into the creative process for some of the industries best designers. I will be utilizing these sites when it comes to creating my own personal logo.